Benefits of Art Therapy
Our 45-minute sessions are the perfect length of time to keep your child engaged with creative arts, understanding their power! CLICK HERE

Art Therapy and Yoga techniques have many benefits to the human body and mind. In conjunction with one another, they can work together to heal the mind, body and soul. Art Therapy is the practice and integration between art and therapy. Art Therapy is used to reduce conflicts and distress, foster self-esteem and build […]
With new-age technology arising, one of the new methods of working with Art Therapy clients is through virtual means. Of course, virtual work has its limits. You aren’t in person which helps to promote the therapeutic relationship. As a telehealth Art Therapist, it is a must to make your surroundings a pleasant and peaceful environment. […]
In this post, “The Healing Power of Art Therapy for Alzheimer’s Patients,” I explore the incredible benefits art therapy offers for those living with Alzheimer’s disease. I delve into the unique challenges faced by individuals with Alzheimer’s, such as memory loss, cognitive decline, and emotional distress, and how art therapy can provide them with a […]