
We enable small business owners to have a strong digital presence

You need a compelling website experience that will help you increase your visibility in your community. Whether you are a serviced based company, e-commerce, arts-based or something else, we will train you to set up your website and get you ready to grow your business to the next level.

What you will learn

  • Which pages are necessary to attract leads, communicate the correct information, and convert to sales.
  • How to create layouts on pages that are attractive and communicate your message
  • How to add more pages
  • How to write content
  • How to edit images correctly
  • How to drive traffic through social media.


What you will leave with:

  • A complete 5 or 6-page website ready to go!
  • Understanding how to update, change and add content and pages.
  • A marketing strategy to help you get started.


Day 1:  A 30-minute one-on-one conference call

  • A video conference call with Ronya and Lori to identify your needs and get you completely prepared for the seminar.
  • You will need a Free Trial or Paid Version of Squarespace
  • We will help you pick the correct template
  • You will learn which pages you need.
  • You will be guided to what content is needed
  • You will be guided to what imagery to have prepared
  • You must have a google analytics account set up. We will show you what to do.


Day 2:  A  3.5-hour Workshop Training: January 28, 11A – 2:30 P

You must have prepared the following elements PRIOR to the Workshop.  We will go over all the details for this in our:30 pre-class consultation

  • Squarespace template selection and subscription
  • 5 to 10 photos
  • Content for pages
  • Google Analytics



11:00 AM – 1:00 PM: During the training day you will be shown how to create the following key pages:


      • Home
      • Blog
      • Service
      • Services detail page
      • Portfolio
      • About Us
      • Footer Details
      • Add Imagery
      • Add content

We will each have the opportunity to view all homepages and give constructive feedback.  Improvements will be made at the workshop so you can have real-time feedback from your potential clients!


1:00 – 2:00 PM

  • Trained on  search engine optimization
  • Learn Google analytics
  • Plan your marketing strategy
  • Tricks and tips to market your business
  • Learn how to attract leads and converting to sales/leads


2:00 – 2:30 PM 

  • Questions and answers


We will soon announce followup webinars to continue to grow your business through digital marketing and social media.